The correct fix can be found in places you never would have looked.

Many factors can impede a company’s forward progress. Negative cash flow, low product margins, product quality, high overhead and operating costs, management and personnel deficiencies. These all can negatively affect performance. We can step in and help you quickly assess and implement process improvements and management disciplines that will stop the losses. Then we can partner with you to lead the company to new levels of business profitability and cash generation.

Our clients valued our ability to:

  • Create simple yet effective business and operational planning and management processes and disciplines that will prevent future lapses in performance.
  • As appropriate, design appropriate fixes to the business operations to overcome operational discipline shortcomings by using optimum Lean Manufacturing and Supply Change Management process improvements.
  • Develop cost saving recommendations and then quickly put a plan of action in place for positive change.
  • Create and implement margin improvement programs in their product and service offerings.
  • Assist in restructuring Accounts Receivable/Payable and Purchasing negotiation processes to maximize readily-available cash.
  • Help business leaders to make the tough yet necessary personnel choices to get the business performance back on track.
  • Create meaningful performance metrics and dashboards that provide the visibility to effectively establish and operate a profitable business.  

Find the path of least resistance to positive progress.

Contact us to begin making those needed changes today.