We will help you navigate change.

Accurate verification of value is one of the many necessary steps when it comes to buying, selling or merging businesses. Our team of experienced specialists will help assess the true values of assets such as inventory and production equipment, which is often a concern in a transaction. We also take a whole-business view in evaluating a company’s worth by both identifying the hidden problems as well as the opportunities in either the products, business or operations areas. Studying the management team is important also in assessing their ability to contribute or fit within the new organization; compatibility and capability are key elements for a smart transition.

How we have helped companies through this process:

  • Provide thorough analysis and evaluation of the business processes, supply chain operations, staffing and leadership as well the product design and quality-control systems.
  • Review opportunities for improvements based on implementation of Lean Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management initiatives.
  • Assess the accuracy of product costs, inventory valuation and overhead allocation and the corresponding impact on financial reporting accuracy.
  • Provide a whole-picture view on products, and how multiple product lines and markets could optimally fit together.
  • Our financial restructuring specialists will review financing vehicles plus source and create an optimum funding approach for the new business.
  • Evaluate the current business management systems and performance metrics and implement more effective processes and disciplines.
  • Create and implement ideas on how to maximize the synergy and performance of the new business or operational structure.
  • Analyze human resource capabilities, especially related to the management team and their leadership abilities, and create and help implement an optimum organization.

Change is never easy.

Contact us to minimize any potential problems.